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Tuesday, November 21, 2023




1. Choose a Topic: Select a specific and relevant topic. It should be something you are interested in and is currently debated or discussed.

2. Understand the Issue: Research the topic thoroughly. Understand the key arguments, perspectives, and relevant facts surrounding the issue.

3. Define Your Position: Clearly state your position on the issue. Make sure your position is specific and debatable.

4. Craft a Strong Thesis Statement: Develop a concise and clear thesis statement that encapsulates your main argument. This should be placed in the introduction.

5. Provide Context: Give a brief background on the issue to provide context for readers who may not be familiar with the topic.

6. Outline Your Argument: Organize your thoughts logically. Create an outline that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

7. Support Your Position: In the body paragraphs, present evidence, examples, and logical reasoning to support your position. Use reputable sources and cite them properly.

8. Address Counterarguments: Acknowledge opposing viewpoints and counterarguments. Refute them with strong evidence and reasoning. This shows a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

9. Maintain a Formal Tone: Use a formal and academic tone throughout the paper. Avoid emotional language and focus on presenting a rational argument.

10. Cite Your Sources: Properly cite all the sources you use. Follow a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) as per your instructor's guidelines.

11. Be Concise: Keep your writing clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary words and ensure that each sentence contributes to your overall argument.

12. Create a Strong Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis in the conclusion. End with a strong statement that leaves a lasting impression.


    By: Angel Rose Brecenio

    Nowadays there are many children experiencing dysfunctional family relationship, 2019 statistics reflect that 70–80% of US adults consider their families to be dysfunctional in some way(, so they end up in divorce or been separated. According to Frank Anderson, a broken family is one that includes unhealthy or severed relationship within the family unit.

    A family is very important to us especially to their children, because they need a full support coming from their family, they need a love and care of a family in their life, they need a supporter and a family is the strength and weaknesses of every children here in our world, but because of some issues or problem that facing of every family in our life it gets into trouble and leads to the divorce of a marriage couple, due to lack of family understanding especially to a married couple, and the others are experiencing physical abuse, sexual harassment and treat, or this is the common is the financial problem, because of that they have not a proper understanding to the problem that they and those people who experiencing physical abuse and sexual harassment in their life is divorce or their reason for breaking up is to avoid and escape from that situation, and the financial problem this is really what a couple is arguing about especially when it comes to bills and expenses in their home and especially for their daily needs in life, because of that this is also their reason to end the problem or reduce their living expenses but based on my opinion I know that not everyone who gets married is this is their main reason, but not all the married couples that been separated is going through having a legal divorce. A divorce is a formal ending of a married of a marriage couple it's more permanent than a separation and in a legal process ( but some of the married couple is not going through the proper separation or this legal separation due to lack enough of money.

    1. Cite the publisher or author instead of the website. This is recognized.

    2. (Laura Angers Maddoy, NCC, LPC) and (Medieval Latin and Latin Roots) sir i can't find the the author of vocabulary i get that information in so i site information about who is the vocabulary word publisher or author and Medieval Latin and Latin Roots came out😬

  2. Legalization of divorce in the Philippines

    A divorce is formal ending of a marriage.
    Divorce is one of the most discussed issues in the Philippines due to the fact the many women receive abuse from their husbands.
    The Philippines is one of the few countries where divorce is not legally recognized ( divorce bill in the Philippines).I believe that we should legally recognized divorce due to the fact that many of our fellow citizens received abuse from their partners.

    According to ( the NDHS,17.5% of women aged 15 to 49 said they have experienced either physical,sexual,or emotional voilence from their current or most recent husband or intimate partner.Thats why I agree to legalization of divorce in our country, because I believe no one deserves receiving abuse from someone else.But there are few people saying that divorce should not legalized in our country because of the children,children will be affected more.But what is the use of a complete family if there is no piece inside the home and only fights and pains children see.And we should not let the person die in the situation that does not achieve piece.

    In conclusion,I agree to legalization of divorce in our country for the reason that many of our fellow citizens are receiving violence from their partners.We must know first the true identity of our partner before getting married to avoid this kind of issue and to decrease the rate of divorce in our country.

  3. The importance of enhancing confidence:

    confidence is a crucial quality that helps us in many areas of life. It gives us the courage and acaleve our goals. to lace challenges, believe in ourselves

    Confidence can boost our self-esteem, when we have confidence. we feel good about ourselves and our abilities. this can give positive self image that helps us to be strong to faced difficulties.

    By enhancing our confidence it motivates us to work hard, And believe in ourselves. This motivation helps us overcome the challenges and keeps us going even when things get tough. Furthermore, confidence improves our performance, whether it's in school, sports, or work, confidence helps us take on challenges, make decisions and show our abilities effectively. In addition, it also helps us to communicate better, we can express ourselves clearly and assertively. this makes it easier for others to understand us and builds stronger relationships. Lastly, confidence can learn from their mistakes, adapt to new situations and keep going even when things don't go as planned.

    In conclusion, Enhancing confidence is crucial for personal growth and success. It boosts self esteem, motivates us to work hard improves our performance, enhances communication skills, and make us resilient, By building confidence, we can unlock our full potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve our goals. So let us embrace confidence and believe in ourselves to lead a fulfilling and successful life

  4. Does C.A.T is good for student?
    By:John Michael Guiling

    C.A.T. known as Citizenship Advancement Training and also called "Military High School" it is made up of selected students to lead and discipline fellow students.Implementing of Citizenship Advancement Training (C.A.T.),(DepEd) in public and private Secondary School.

    As provided in DepEd Order No.35,s.2003,all public and private Secondary Schools are mandated to implement the Citizenship Advancement Training (C.A.T.) in the fourth years(Grade 10). These trainers may be tapped to provide training to the teacher facilitators in both public and private Secondary Schools.

    Citizenship Advancement Training(C.A.T.),It aims to enhance the student's social responsibility and commitment to the development of their communities and develop their ability to uphold law and order as they assume active participation in community activities and assist the members of the community especially in times of emergency.

    Based on the study,They have implemented the C.A.T. on their behavior during their C.A.T. class.Most of the grade 10 students implemented their C.A.T. subject on themselves.They know what will they do to resolve their problems during their situation.They know that if they cheat,it is not good for their studies. They know how to discipline themselves.Having C.A.T. class has an impact on the student's, especially on their behavior.

  5. Position paper:"should society remain clean"
    By: jovenjay Ramos

    Other people just throw their trash anywhere "yes" I agree with keeping the society clean other people just throw their trash wherever they don't know they are ruining society, and other people don't care about society and they just let their scumbags spread everywhere.

    "Yes" I agree with keeping a clean society because it is not only for our society to stay clean but for us in our health because when our environment our society stays clean it helps our society but there is people always throw it,may be they just don't know if it is damaging to our society.

    If other people it's easy for them to throw away garbage in society, it's not easy for me because it destroys society but other people are used to throwing garbage anywhere but that can be solved it they throw it away to the right end.

    And the garbage that is scattered around should be helped by people to clean it and our society should always be clean,it should also be for the betterment of our society and the garbage should be thrown in the right bin.

    And in for our society Tobe well, we must all help to make our society we'll, such as Cleaning when picking up garbage and for our society to be successful and be well and the garbage must be thrown in the right bin and in our society we'll be successful.

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  7. Abortion
    By: Ignacio, Emerald Rain
    Abortion was all about the removal of baby from the mother’s womb maybe with the use of surgery or medicine it can be induced or miscarriage. Abortion is totally the word of mouth in Congress, and until now there has been a debate about whether it should be legalized or not. Also, why is abortion such a big topic in the Philippines? What will my stand be? I would’ve said, “No, I disagree.” But my second thought asks me a lot of, "Why?" Don’t you give it the benefit of the doubt? I know that there an enough reason why Abortion should be legalized.
    Abortion isn’t illegal, because it is a medical procedure who must be performed by the professional and licensed doctor. I reckon that Philippines is a very conservative country that why it is so hard for us to perform this kind of activities. It seems to be illegal, because it is against the law of God. However, according to Philippines Commission of Human Rights (PCHR), has expressly supported the decriminalization of abortion in the Philippines, marking historic moment for abortion advocacy in the country. The 19th congress convened in July 22 and will be completed in June 2025.
    A licensed doctor will not perform this process if the child has already a heartbeat, because in this situations where they can faced the consequence like in the bill of right article III section 1 Right to life, liberty, or property. Hence, if this is legal in our country, I'm sure that there will be a penalty for whoever violates it. Moreover, if you really want to lessen the use of abortion it is much better to give us programs that can further explain the proper use of contraceptive, increase funding on sex education and family planning. Here in the Philippines we’re still on process because we have a lack of equipment’s, professional, and facilities to perform it.
    Many women die due to pregnancy complications and unsafe abortions. Abortion is performed if the baby is not formed or has no heartbeat. In accord with World Health Organization (WHO) unsafe abortion is can affect us not only physically but also in our mental and social, well-being. In fact the research found that there are 6 grounds for allowing abortion in most of the country and these are the ground (1) risk to life, (2) rape or sexual abuse, (3) serious fetal anomaly, (4) risk to physical and sometimes mental health, (5) social and economic reason, (6) on request. The abortion process is a medical procedure that can save a life and not a crime.
    In conclusion, abortion. And it is a medical procedure performed by license professionals only. And I agree to implement this in our country, I believe that everything happens for a reason. It can't be overused if we'll have a policy to accuse for someone who do it without having enough knowledge and has no license to do this kind of procedures.

  8. Merry Stephanie Balauitan

    “Legalizing the Comprehensive Sexuality Education”

    Everyone is witnessing an strange shift in sexual attitudes and behaviors driven by globalization and technological advancements. CSE aims to develop respectful social and sexual relationships; consider how their choices affect their own well-being and that of others; and understand and ensure the protection of their rights throughout their lives. (UNESCO. 2017.) As a students, it is crucial to have a knowledge about sexuality to make an informed decision about our sexual health and well being.

    Sexuality is an essential part of human development and it is important to teach about it in a culturally sensitive way. Some countries in asia pacific, eastern europe and central asia, west and central africa, latin america and the carribean and eastern and southern africa that shown leadership in the implementation of CSE (UNESCO, 2015.)

    The importance of Sexuality education plays a vital role in everyone’s life, especially in adolescence. Implenting education about sexuality can prevent problems such as teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). In 2016, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) that these alarming incidents of risky sexual and social behaviors are further exacerbated by the prevelance of sexual violence among 17 percent of adolescents from 13-17 years old (DepEd Order No. 031, s. 2018).

    Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) didn’t want to implement in adolescence to do the sexually activities but to gain a better understanding when it comes to their sexual health and for awareness also. For our knowledge, CSE defined as a curriculum-based process of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality. (UNESCO. 2017).

    In conclusion, Implementing Sexuality Education in a comprehensive, appropriate way and culturally sensitive way is a must to aware everybody, especially adolescents to prevent challenges and problems. Having this can help youths even our country for a better and nurturing life and community.


    As we all know, divorce isn't legal in this country, Philippines. Divorce is what allows a married couple to separate without having connection with each other anymore. The Philippines is the only country in the world, aside from the Vatican, where divorce is not legal. (Ortiga, Kara-2020). Legalizing divorce will have a good effect, especially on those who experience violence caused by their partner.

    According to the 2017 National Demographic and Health Survey conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority, one in four Filipino women age 15-49 has experienced physical, emotional or sexual violence by their husband or partner. Some women are afraid to fight back and protect themselves. No one deserves to be hurt by someone. Most of the married couples are using their partner for their own good, which is not good for them. This also includes forced marriage.

    In recent studies found that 14% of married women aged 20-24 reported that they were married before the age of 18 ( They are too young to enter that stage when in fact, in that age, they should still planning or working for their success in life.

    In conclusion, as a woman who supports women, i know that implementing divorce in the Philippines is a big help for the citizens to escape one of their difficulties in life.

    by: Rioflorido Melody
    I choose this topic because I agree with same sex merriage. Because when it comes to love, no one can dictate you who you want to love. For a reason love is magical and love is blind. According to the study of (government nl) since 2001 it has been possible in the Netherlands for two men or two women to marry. Their are certain differences, however, between same sex merriage and merriage between a man and a women.

    Same sex merriage is stand for "same gender merriage " merriage between two men or two woman. According to Pew research center, support for same sex merriage is the united state has steadily increased over the last several years. More than 30 countries outside of the United States have laws allowing same sex merriage. In my opinion,why shouldn't allow same sex merriage? Because its written in the bible? But it's not actually written in the bible. Some people say it written in the bible, because, they are not allowing same sex merriage, because, they believe that men is for a women and women is for a man especially here in the Philippines.

    Catholic countries are against in same sex merriage but for me, I am agree with the same sex merriage. For a reason when we talk about love, love is a complex of emotions, behaviors, and belief, associated with a strong feelings and affection, protectiveness, warmth and of course RESPECT with another person. So, if you are inlove you don't think whatever who is he, or who she is. The only matter is tour feelings and tou know to yourself that is valid.

    Lastly, we live in the world that full of judgmental people. Other people can't accept same sex merriage because of their beliefs, especially here in our country which is Philippines. For a reason most of the Filipino is Catholic. But like what I said, if you are inlove your inlove. And whatever other people think and said it doesn't really matter, the only matther is your inlove with each other. Just like Vice Ganda and Ion Perez, their are so many challenges that test their relationship, their are so many criticism that told about them and against their relationship. But they used those challenges and criticism to have faith and hope and build a strong relationship. And prove them that in love, their is no gender. Because of that, their relationship is strong and happy and I can say that they are blessings to each other. AND TRUE LOVE STİLL EXİST!

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  12. Title: Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Teenage Suicide: A Call for Comprehensive Support Systems
    By: Rhian Joy Pamadulan

    Teenage suicide is a deeply concerning issue that demands our immediate attention. In recent years, the rates of suicide among teenagers have risen alarmingly, highlighting the urgent need for effective prevention strategies. This position paper argues that a comprehensive support system, encompassing mental health awareness, accessible resources, and nurturing communities, is essential in combating teenage suicide.

    A. Psychological Factors: Teenagers often face immense pressure from academic expectations, peer relationships, and personal identity development. Mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety can exacerbate these challenges, leading to a heightened risk of suicide.
    B. Societal Influences: The impact of social media, bullying, and societal stigma surrounding mental health contribute to feelings of isolation and despair among teenagers. Understanding these external influences is crucial to developing effective prevention strategies.

    A. Promoting Early Intervention: By fostering mental health awareness in schools and communities, we can empower teenagers and their support systems to recognize warning signs and seek help at the earliest stage possible.
    B. Challenging Stigma: Public campaigns and educational programs can help reduce the stigma associated with seeking mental health support, encouraging teenagers to reach out for assistance without fear of judgment or discrimination.

    A. School-Based Support: Schools should prioritize mental health services, including counseling programs and trained professionals, to provide immediate support to students in need.
    B. Community Partnerships: Collaborations between schools, healthcare providers, and mental health organizations can ensure that teenagers have access to a network of resources tailored to their needs, including therapy services, helplines, and crisis intervention programs.

    A. Peer Support Programs: Establishing peer support initiatives within schools and communities can create safe spaces for teenagers to share their struggles, offer mutual support, and foster a sense of belonging.
    B. Parental Involvement: Encouraging parents to actively engage in their children's emotional well-being and providing resources for parental support can contribute to a nurturing and understanding environment at home.

    A. Personal Responsibility: While individuals play a role in seeking help, it is essential to recognize that mental health challenges can be overwhelming, making it crucial for society to provide accessible support systems.
    B. Dismissing Mental Health Awareness Campaigns: Claims that mental health awareness campaigns are ineffective disregard the positive impact they have in reducing stigma, empowering individuals, and fostering open conversations about mental health.

    Preventing teenage suicide requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the root causes, promotes mental health awareness, ensures accessible resources, and fosters supportive communities. By implementing comprehensive support systems, we can create an environment that values mental well-being and provides the necessary tools for teenagers to navigate the challenges they face. Together, we can work towards reducing the tragic loss of young lives and fostering a future where every teenager feels valued, supported, and resilient.

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    1. Topic: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
      by: Banez Desiree L. 11-HE

      Understanding the Issue:
      Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, with billions of people using various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. While social media has its benefits, such as facilitating communication and providing access to information, there is growing concern about its impact on mental health. Studies have shown that excessive social media use is associated with increased levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. This position paper argues that social media has a negative impact on mental health and proposes strategies to mitigate its effects.

      Defining the Position:
      Excessive social media use has a detrimental impact on mental health, leading to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

      Crafting a Strong Thesis Statement:
      While social media provides numerous benefits, its excessive use has been linked to negative impacts on mental health, including increased levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

      Providing Context:
      Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, with over 3.8 billion active users as of 2021. While social media has its benefits, such as facilitating communication and providing access to information, there is growing concern about its impact on mental health. Studies have shown that excessive social media use is associated with increased levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

      Supporting the Position:
      A. Increased levels of anxiety: A study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that limiting social media use to 30 minutes a day led to a significant decrease in anxiety levels.
      B. Increased levels of depression: A study published in the Journal of Adolescence found that excessive social media use was associated with increased levels of depression.
      C. Low self-esteem: A study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that social media use was associated with lower levels of self-esteem.

      Addressing Counterarguments:
      A. Some argue that social media provides a platform for individuals to connect with others and seek support during times of distress. While this is true, it is essential to strike a balance between social media use and face-to-face communication.
      B. Others argue that social media use is a personal choice, and individuals should be free to use it as they see fit. While this is true, it is essential to recognize the potential negative impacts of excessive social media use on mental health.

      Maintaining a Formal Tone:
      Avoid emotional language and focus on presenting a rational argument.

      Citing Sources:
      All sources will be properly cited using APA style.

      Being Concise:
      Keep writing clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary words and ensure that each sentence contributes to your overall argument.

      Creating a Strong Conclusion:
      Summarize your main points and restate your thesis in the conclusion. End with a strong statement that leaves a lasting impression.

      In conclusion, while social media provides numerous benefits, its excessive use has been linked to negative impacts on mental health, including increased levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. It is essential to strike a balance between social media use and face-to-face communication and to practice mindfulness and positive social media use. By implementing these strategies, we can mitigate the negative impact of social media on mental health and promote a healthier and more balanced relationship with social media.


    Teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy in a female in her early age. Teenage pregnancy is a global issue that everyone faces especially teens. Teens start to develop intimate relationships with the opposite sex. This is where it all begins.
    The role of family support is very important for the teenager's life. The family is the one who guide their child in life. Family should help their child to become a responsible human being. But some family are not giving their support or doing well in taking care of their child. Their child become prone to risks. That risk is the teenage pregnancy.
    The role of family support in reducing teenage pregnancy are they should help their child plan for the future. The chances that their daughter will go on pregnancy will be reduced because they talk about the ambition they wish to pursue. Family should establish rules like curfews and dating rules through an open communication. Family should strive positive relationship with their teens. This could cause a good relationship both for family and teens. According to Allan Guttmacher Institute;2010, Another important thing for family to remember is a role modeling. A parents behavior should match their words.
    To conclude,the role of family support in reducing teenage pregnancies are very important as they guide and teach their teens what is right and wrong. Having a family support protects teens from being pregnant at an early stage.

  15. Inclusive Unions: Advocating for the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage

    By: Alyssa Nove Jade E. Del Rosario (11-HE)

    Marriage, a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman. Nowadays, same sex marriage has become legal act in other countries. However, in our country, the Philippines, it is a very sensitive topic. Same sex marriage has been a subject of significant debate worldwide.

    A stated by Ochoa et al. (2016), same sex marriage in the Philippines remains a highly contentious issue due to the influence of religion in this predominantly Catholic nation, wherein same sex marriage is often framed as an issue of morality. I believe our country, the Philippines, does not yet legalize same sex marriage since most of Filipinos are Roman Catholics. They only believe that a man is only for a woman, as written on the bible.

    As a supporter of LGBTQ+ community, legalizing same sex marriage promotes social acceptance and inclusivity. This fosters a more understanding and tolerant society, contributing to have positive mental health among LGBTQ+ individuals. Studies have shown that legalization of
    same sex marriage has been linked to improve mental health for LGBTQ+ individuals. Denying marriage equality can cause to a higher rates of stress, anxiety and depression.

    In summary, the Philippines' decision to legalize same-sex unions is a reflection of the country's dedication to social growth, equality, and human rights. The Philippines can make history on the right side of history by realizing the love and dedication of all of its people, regardless of sexual orientation, and promoting an inclusive culture that embraces diversity and equal opportunity for everyone. It's time to adopt the values that characterize a contemporary, caring country.

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  17. Depression
    By: Andres John Marky

    Depression is a complex and prevalent mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. In recent years, there has been significant debate surrounding the causes, treatment, and societal understanding of depression. This paper aims to present a specific position on the topic of depression, focusing on the importance of a holistic and multifaceted approach to its management and treatment.

    My position is that depression should be viewed and addressed as a multifactorial condition, influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors, and that a comprehensive treatment approach that considers all these aspects is crucial for effective management.

    Biological Factors
    Depression has been linked to various biological factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, and hormonal imbalances. Provide evidence from scientific studies to support the role of these factors in the development and manifestation of depression. Discuss how understanding the biological underpinnings of depression can help inform treatment strategies, such as medication and neurobiological interventions.

    Psychological Factors
    Psychological factors, such as negative thinking patterns, low self-esteem, and unresolved trauma, can contribute to the development and maintenance of depression. Present research and studies that highlight the impact of these psychological factors on depression. Emphasize the significance of psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and other evidence-based psychological interventions in addressing these factors and promoting recovery.

    Social Factors
    Social factors, including social support, socioeconomic status, and societal stigma, play a crucial role in the experience of depression. Explore how social connections and support networks can act as protective factors against depression, while social isolation and discrimination can exacerbate the condition. Discuss the importance of addressing social determinants of mental health and promoting societal understanding and acceptance to reduce the burden of depression.

    Integrated Treatment Approach
    Highlight the significance of an integrated treatment approach that considers biological, psychological, and social factors. Discuss how a combination of medication, therapy, lifestyle changes, and social support can lead to more effective and sustainable outcomes for individuals with depression. Present evidence from studies that support the effectiveness of integrated treatment models.

    Summarize the main arguments presented in the body paragraphs, emphasizing the importance of a holistic and multifaceted approach to depression. Emphasize the need for further research, public awareness, and investment in mental health services to address the complex and widespread impact of depression. End with a call to action for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and society as a whole to prioritize mental health and support those affected by depression.

  18. ABS-CBN Not Should Be Close

    Entertaimentt media and conglomerate in the philipines ABS CBN corporation,commonly know a ABS-CBN is a filipino media and entertaiment group based in Quezon city,Philipines. Itis the Philipines largest entertainment and media conglomerate intermof revenue, operating income, net income assest, equity market capitalization, and number of employer.

    ABS-CBN was formed by the merger of Alto Broadcasting System (ABS) and Chronile Broadcasting Network (CBN). ABS was forwardin 1946 by American electronic engineer James Linderbarg sa Balinao Electronic Corporation(BEC).(ABS) after Judge Centonio Quirino, brother of President Elpidio Quirino Purchased the company.The group own and operates the ABS-CBN and ABS-CBN Sport + action. National television network as well asthe Radyo Nation and my only Radio regional radio networks. The ABS-CBN television. Network in particular,is the largest contribution to the group revenuegenerating about50 to60percent of the group'stotal annual revenue mainly from selling active to airtimeto advetiser. ABS-CBN will gooff the air after its franchise expire, Sen Franklin Drilon said Thursday, refuting claims by several lawmakerthat the network broadcaster failsto grauts a new one by March 30.

    I strongly disagreebecause ABS-CBN helps a lot of people after calamities has occur also this institution broadcast update and report every news without skewing to one group. This institution also pays attention to every events which needs a long time of patients.ABS-CBN programs geared toward progressof our dear country Philipines that's why this network should not be close. One ofits progrism is the G-Diares program lift by Ms.Gina Lopez which extend grearlt help to.different people and tribes in ourcountry

  19. Upholding the Sanctity of Life: A Stance Against Abortion
    Sisa, Ginel P. (11-HE)

    This position paper articulates a perspective that underscores the sanctity of human life and raises concerns about the ethical implications of abortion. By emphasizing the inherent value of every individual, particularly the unborn, this stance seeks to foster a dialogue that acknowledges the complexity of the issue while advocating for alternative approaches to address the challenges associated with unplanned pregnancies.

    Some individuals view abortion as an important part of women’s autonomy, emphasizing their right to make choices about their bodies. Abortion is the removal of an embryo or fetus inside a woman's womb, causing the death of the fetus inside it. Usually, the cause of this can be unintentional because the mother has miscarried the child, or it can also be deliberately aborted. It is also possible to take drugs that are forbidden for pregnant women to cause the baby to die inside the womb.

    Abortion is a crime; abortion is the killing of a child in the womb of its mother. even if we say that child is the result of a sin. (hal. rape)
    Abortion is prohibited in the Philippines, and violating it means imprisonment. The Philippines has a law that prohibits abortion, as stated in Article 256-259 of Act No. 3815 (1930), or the Revised Penal Code. Many people escape from this crime, not only the mother who aborted the child but also the doctor who did it.

    Abortion can have adverse effects on women's health and mental stability. It not only destroys the personality, but it also destroys the body of a woman or mother. Many people try to have an abortion; So it creates a misunderstanding. Abortion is not as easy a process as people think. A woman may no longer be able to have a baby because of a physical defect. Besides, it may be the reason why women die.

    The anti-abortion position is based on the belief that all human life, including the unborn, is inherently valuable. Recognizing the complexity of the issue, this approach forces choices, support systems, and a commitment to preserving the sanctity of life in a broader cultural, ethical, and moral context encouragement in various ways

  20. Internet apocalypse: A powerful solar storm could knock out the internet for months.
    By:Geraldine jarmie D. Quaile
    A so-called "internet apocalypse" could be on the horizon as a result of an impending solar superstorm, a scientist warns. Professor Peter Becker, a lead researcher at George Mason University, recently told FOX Weather that the sun has been relatively quiet as the internet came of age, but there's a 10 percent chance that in the next decade, "something really large is going to happen that could potentially wipe out the internet."
    Solar storms are challenging to predict, so Becker is working with the Naval Research Laboratory to create an early warning system to warn of possible magnetic field disruptions within 18 to 24 hours to mitigate the problem. "If we have a warning, every minute counts because you can put satellites in safe mode," he told FOX Weather. "You can take transformers off-line from the grid so they don't fry... and then, more long-term, you're talking about hardening the internet.
    According to a Washington Post report, the sun will reach "solar maximum"—a  particularly active period—in 2025, and today's digital world is not prepared for it.But people started discussing what the "always online" tribe will do if such an event takes place. But is it just hype? The Post says these concerns are not entirely fiction.
    In conclusion, the internet will be gone for a month.There has been a renewed interest in the solar cycle of the sun as it sends out solar storms, sometimes so devastating that they could snap all means of communication on the Earth, the report mentioned

  21. Title: Addressing Scial Discrimination
    By: Mendez Francis Ernest R.

    Social dscrimination persists as a challenge in contemporary society, affecting ndividuals based on factors such as race, gender, and economic status. This psition paper advocates for the implementation of inclusive education s a powerful strategy to combat social discrimination.
    Social discrimination creates barriers in oursociety, hinding proress and perpetuating inequality. To effectively addrss this issue, we need a targeted and inclusive approach.
    This paper contends that inclusive edcation ca break down these barriers. By celebrating diversity and fostering understanding among students from various backgounds, inclusive educatin promotes empathy and cultivates a culture of inclusivity.
    Inclusve education is vital in the fight against social discrimination, fostering an environment that values diversity, encourages empathy, and builds a more incluive society.
    Reognizing the widespread problem of social discriminaton, this paper emphasies the urgency of finding practical solutions, with inclusive education emerging as a promising aenue.
    Real-life exmples ad solid evidence are used to illusrate how inclusive education can dismantle discriminatory attitues and contribute to a more tolerant society.
    Acknowleging potential doubts about the effectiveness of inclusive education, te paper addresses these concerns with evidence showcasing successful oucomes in schools that embrae inclusivity.
    While maintaining a serious tone, the language used in this paper is accessibl, ensuringthat the discussion is clear and comprehensible to a wide audence.
    The pper prioritizes clarity and conciseness, avoiding unnecessary complexity to ensure that each sntence cotributes meaningfully to the overall argument.
    In conclusion, this paer underscores the crucial roleof inclusive education in comating social discrimination, empasizing its potential to initiate transformative chage and foster a more euitable and compassionate society.

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  24. Asian Hate (Position Paper)
    Angela Theriz Jubelea (11-ABM)
    In 2021, a lot of Asians and Asian Americans experienced hate crimes, and this continues until now. Asians experience abuse in different countries; they're prone to discrimination, cyberbullying, racism, and harassment. This denunciation has resonated in many other countries, where the rise of violence against Asians and people of Asian descent was also observed through deadly attacks, verbal and physical harassment, bullying in schools, workplace discrimination, and incitement to hatred in the media and social media platforms. (United Nations Human Rights | March 22, 2022) Because of this, a lot of Asians and Asian Americans started the movement called #StopAsianHate.
    Asians were scared of going out a lot because they felt like they weren't safe wherever they went. A lot of mass shooting happens, and physical abuse caught on camera happens, but they don’t get any help. Mass shootings in Atlanta, Georgia, that killed eight people, six of them Asian women, caused an outpouring of pain from Asian and Asian American communities in the United States. No crescendo of charitable donations to Asian organizations occurred. (Lily Zheng, 2021).
    Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people got mad at Asians, and the Asian hate increased rapidly because it affected their daily lives, and their work, and the saddest part was that they lost their family members. Although they have the right to be mad because of this, Some evidence suggests that the past year’s surge was driven by racist reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Jilani,2021)
    But it was too much; it made a lot of Asians suffer not only physically but also mentally, even though they didn’t do anything wrong and the innocent ones got involved. It causes low self-esteem and stress due to a shaming physical appearance, which can affect the well-being of a person. found that 71.7% of Asian Americans who have experienced racism felt more stress over the anti-Asian hate than the pandemic. (Brigham and Women's Hospital of Boston and the Asian American Psychological Association)
    In conclusion, we should stop abusing other people, whether they’re Asian or not. We all should accept our differences. People should live freely without any harm just because of the country or continent they belong to; we are all the same after all. Don’t stay silent when the violence continues. Together, we can make a change. Stop Asian hate.



    "Do I love watching people dying?" I've seen in news a lot of people are dying because of the war between Israel and Palestine, and I know people should know this more "Free Palestine." says the people in the palestine. To summarize, the Israeli-paalestinian conflict is an on going military and political conflict in the Levant. Beginning in the mid-20th century it is one of the worlds longest continuing conflicts.

    According to POLITICAL VIOLENCE AT GLANCE: Israel has routinely violated International law, Including that related refugees, human rights and occupation, it has demonstrated and unwillingness to provide protections for palestine from growing numbers for settles. We should protect Palestinians because of the Jewish people are doing to Palestinians. Jewish people cut the electricity, food and water, the control everything. So why "Protect Israel?" If the first plase the Israelian was the one whose doing wrong, Palestinian are just trying to get back their place, Israel are controlling everything. And a lot of people are dying in Gaza, Its not about the politics anymore, this about human rights! "Do I love watching people dying?" Of course. No, but it feels like Jewish people love killing people, because if not the would let free the palestine. It's been years YEARS since the war had started, and many people have died because of the war.

    In conclusion, it is an on going military and political conflict. Both Jewish people and Palestinian are dying. Both of the innocent people are dying because of the war of the county.


    Position paper of: Ma. Crisha A. Seraspi

    Here in the Philippines, different crimes occur everyday, eveeywhere and in unexpected time. And as we all know, every crime has a consequence glued to it depending on the sverity of an individual's case. In our country, we have what the law called "reclusion perpetua penalty" and "death penalty which one of those severe penalty in the Philippines. Reclusion perpetua means imprisonment for between 20-40 years with a possiblity of parole after 30 years, whereas life imprisonment means life without parole ( Death penalty on the other hand is sometimes called as "capital punishment", and is defined as the infliction of death as a punishment for breaking criminal law (

            Perpetua penalty has a duration which is 20-40 years of imprisonment and pardon will be given after the given period of time and it is much lighter than death penalty has. Death penalty or capital punishment is the most severe penalty in the Philippines wherein if an individual commits a heinous crime, they shall be subjected to death.

          I do stand with reclusion perpetua since it is much lighter than death penalty and also because capital penalty is an ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment ( which violates article 3 section 19, because on this article, "excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment inflicted. Giving someone a death penalty sentence violates article 13 social justice and human rights as well.

         In conclusion, I am in the side of reclusion perpetua for the reason that it gives forgiveness to those individuals who has this kind of penalty. I do more agree to this because I believe that each of us has the right to live and no one in this world has the right to take the life of an individual. Let's just love each other and if someone does something illegal, it should be punished properly and make sure thar human rights are not violated.


    Abortion is a termination of pregnancy. Abortion is a topic where we should consider region, legality, and ethics. Despite the circumstances, i agree to the idea of abortion. Why?

    The arguments regarding the topic of abortion is that when a fetus had a heartbeat then it has rights to live. Despite that, abortion can be differ depends of the situation that the victim's facing.

    What if that fetus comes from a rapist? They should consider the option of terminating it, especially if the mother is not capable of taking care of its child. Also, women should also has the power to decide if they'll keep it.

    "Most recently Gallup has 56% saying it should be legal in certain cases and 17% saying it should be illegal, and found that 26% of Americans saying that abortion should be legal. This data show how many people agreed to legalize abortion. (Lydia Saad, 2002).

    The most common reasons why most of the americans agreed to legalize abortion is it can be life threatening."One of the most common reason i help women to terminate their pregnancy is because their water broke and they have an infection. If there's a clear sign of infection, the condition can be life threatening." (Reuters Fact Check, 2021).

    Though the opposing arguments says that abortion is against in the bible."No human being should be denied equal protection under the law; no human being should have their life destryoed."

    In conclusion, i acknowledge the saying that abortion should be legal in certain cases. If it is unnecessary then the termination should not be allowed.


  28. Position Paper: Legalizing Marijuana for Medical Use in the Philippines

    I. Introduction
    The issue of marijuana legalization remains a global debate, with various countries exploring decriminalization or legalization. In the Philippines, marijuana is currently illegal under the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. However, there are ongoing legislative efforts, particularly focused on medical use. This position paper aims to advocate for the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes in the Philippines, drawing on legislative efforts, public opinion, regulatory challenges, and compelling real-life cases.

    Some argue that while there may be potential medical benefits, the risks associated with increased accessibility, especially for recreational use, could outweigh the benefits.  There have been efforts made to introduce bills such as the Medical Compassionate Use of Cannabis Act, acknowledging the potential medical benefits of marijuana. In which scientific studies suggest positive outcomes for conditions like epilepsy, chronic pain, and mental health disorders. The case of Charlotte Figi, a child with untreatable epilepsy, and Wil Dasovich, a cancer survivor who found relief through medical marijuana, highlight the tangible benefits that legalization could offer to patients in need.

    And while critics contend that societal implications, such as potential increases in impaired driving and workplace issues, need to be carefully considered before endorsing broader recreational use. Advocacy groups stress both medical and recreational benefits. Drawing on research and statistical data from legalized jurisdictions, these groups emphasize the need for responsible legislation that not only decriminalizes medical use but also allows for regulated recreational use.

    Skeptics argue that the establishment of effective regulations is easier said than done, and the risk of misuse or diversion of marijuana for non-medical purposes is a significant concern. Legalization poses as a regulatory challenge that necessitates comprehensive guidelines on production, distribution, and consumption. And so in addressing these challenges it requires careful consideration and consultation with experts in medicine, law, and regulatory affairs. Striking a balance between accessibility for medical users and safeguards against abuse is crucial.

    Arguably the potential economic gains must be weighed against the potential costs of increased healthcare burdens associated with marijuana use, if misuse or dependency rates arise there could be an issue into legalizing marijuana for medical use. However it is important to take note that there are numerous health care benefits, as evidenced by studies on its potential to combat various diseases. Additionally, dissolving marijuana from the black market could stimulate economic growth, creating a regulated industry that could highly contributes to national revenue.

    To summarize everything that has been said, the Philippines stands at a crossroads in the global discourse on marijuana legalization. While the current legal framework deems marijuana illegal, legislative efforts and compelling medical cases suggest the need for a reevaluation. This position paper encourages a thoughtful and informed consideration of marijuana legalization for medical use in the Philippines, acknowledging the potential benefits to patients, the economy, and the broader societal landscape, while recognizing and addressing valid concerns raised by those advocating for caution.


  29. Online Classes
    By: Cess Aissie Frayres

    Nowadays, there are more students who have difficulty in learning, especially when they have the disease of Covid-19. In order to continue learning, we have Online Classes, so that safety remains. And I found that during pandemic, 67% students experience struggling in Online Class.

    According to Elham Assi and Mojgan Rashtchi. A 37-item virtual class Affection Perceptions, Problems, Resiliency, and Self-image Questionnaire (APPRSQ) was developed, validated, and administered online to 252 university Translation and TEFL-major students. The results demonstrated that the APPRSQ is a valid and reliable data gathering instrument. The participants’ answers to APPRSQ indicated that they were resilient and could adapt to the new learning mode. However, they preferred face-to-face classes, though they believed online courses were inevitable during the pandemic.


  30. Pavia National High SchoolSENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENTTechnical Vocational and Livelihood (Home Economics)Pavia, Iloilo
    Background of the Study
    The K to 12 program cover kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years ofprimary education, four years of Junior High School and two years of Senior High School (SHS)to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, andprepare graduations for tertiary education. As I say, under this K to 12 Program is the SeniorHigh School. Senior High School (SHS) covers the last two years of the K to 12 program(Grades 11 and 12). This two additional years will equip learners with skills that will betterprepare them for the future whether it be employment, entrepreneurship, skills developmentand higher education (college).( In SHS, there is academic track andTVL track. One of the Strand offered under the TVL track is Home Economics. The life of HomeEconomic learners is hard because you have to budget your allowance. The average allowanceof Home Economic learners is from 100 to 150, because of this learners need to budget theirallowance wisely. Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend your money. It allowsyou to determine in advance whether you will have enough money to do the things you need todo or would like to do. Since budgeting allows you to create a spending plan for your money, itensures that you will always have enough money for the things you need and the things thatare important to you. Following a budget or spending plan will also help you out of debt if youare currently in debt ( This study aims to determine the strategies usedby Home Economic learners of Pavia National High School in budgeting their allowance in week.
